Monkton pupils celebrate hard won A Level results

Under the most unusual circumstances Monkton students receive their A level results today - grades which hold the very same status as those which came before and those which will follow despite the fact that they were arrived at in quite a different fashion. Much has been made of the teachers' role in the allocation of these grades but these are the pupils' grades - a result of their toil, their resilience and their determination - Monkton teachers were asked to recognise that via exam board grade descriptors. We're very proud of our pupils' results and following a rigorous external moderation process, none of the grades which we submitted was changed. 64% of grades were awarded at A or A* and 95% were A* to C. Over a third achieved an A*.
But, as ever, these results, although hard won, represent just the launchpad for our pupils' next adventure. We take pride in the diversity of paths which our pupils choose to take beyond Monkton - 'Monkton thinks differently' applies just as much to making sure each individual finds his or her own path. So Kiera and Kemi both head off to the prestigious University of the Arts London to read Costume for Theatre and Screen, and Creative Direction for Fashion respectively, Ibim to Loughborough to read Robotics, Mechatronics and Control Engineering, Issy to Nottingham to read French with Contemporary Chinese, and Polly and Kit to Edinburgh to read Physics and Ancient History respectively.
Chris Wheeler, Principal, said,
"I send heartfelt congratulations to all pupils who received results today in this toughest of seasons. This cohort have seen disruption unlike any who have gone before them and have learned tremendous courage and resilience which no results will ever capture."
Chris and Joe Sidders, Deputy Head, Learning, reflect further on these results in the video below.
- 34% of A-level grades at A*
- 64% of A-level grades at A* or A
- 84% of A-level grades at A* to B
- 95% of A-level grades at A* to C
If you would like to join next year’s Sixth Formers as they each start their own unique journey, then Monkton still has a limited number of spaces available for Year 12 pupils looking to start this September.
If you are looking at Sixth Form beyond 2021 the next whole school open morning is on Saturday 2nd October and our Sixth Form Open Evening is on Friday 8th October. Register now