Monkton pupils show great resolve to achieve another outstanding set of GCSE results

The usual rhythm of Year 11 - mocks, revision, a well-defined few weeks of exams, a well-deserved longer summer holiday - went the way of many normalities this year with the removal of exams and their replacement with teacher assessed grades. To that end our pupils had to gather themselves for a series of assessments over the summer term to make sure that the grades that were appropriate and, crucially, the pupils retained some ownership of their destiny. One of the hardest things about the process in 2020 was the feeling that the rug had been pulled from under the pupils' feet and we wanted to make sure that, as much as possible, this was not repeated this summer.
But of course this did mean that the pupils had to find depths of resilience and perseverance as they charted unknown waters - it is a great testimony to them all that they did this with good humour and willingness. The results today vindicate those efforts with so many of them receiving well-earnt and impressive grades across the board. More than 50% of candidates in Art, Business, Drama, English Language, Further Maths, Chemistry, History, Music, Theology, Philosophy and Ethics, and Photography gained either grades 8 or 9, the equivalent of the old A* grade.
Principal Chris Wheeler said:
"I congratulate all of our pupils have coped with extraordinary circumstances an
Summary of results:
9 22%
9-8 45%
9-7 71%
9-6 88%
9-4 99%