Welcome to our alumni events page. Here you will find details and guest lists for our events for OMs and OCs. More events will be added as they open for booking.
Sunday 23rd March OM Hockey
OM Hockey is coming up at the end of this term. There is no cost, but if you plan on playing or spectating please fill out this short form to let us know. We look forward to seeing you there!
Sunday 27th April OM Cricket
All OMs, OCs and their families are welcome to play or spectate, as either way this is a fantastic opportunity to come together and catch up with old friends in the beautiful surroundings of Longmead. If you would like to play or spectate please complete this short form. If you are playing please aim to arrive at 10am for a 10.30 start. We will be playing T20.
Thursday 8th May The Lt Col West VC DSO & Bar MC Memorial Dinner
All those serving or retired from the Armed Forces are invited to this annual dinner with our CCF. Full details and booking information can be found here.
Saturday 17th May Forty-Years-On ('84, '85 & '86 Leavers) OM Reunion
All of our '84, '85 & '86 leavers are invited to a reunion lunch at Monkton. Partners are welcome. Full details and booking information can be found here.
Sunday 1st June Julian Bewick Memorial Row and Boat Naming Event
In memory of Julian Bewick who passed away last year a rowing event in his honour will be held at Saltford Rowing Centre. This is a free event. Full details and booking information can be found here.
Sunday 15th June Thanksgiving service and OM President's Lunch
This summer Monkton is celebrating 100 years of the Senior School Chapel and a special service is planned for the same day as the OM President's lunch. Full details and booking information can be found here.
Andrew Carruthers
Jane (nee Griffiths) & Andrew Downing
Merle & Ian Halliday
Tanya (nee Ross) & Dave Jackson
Minty Nicholson nee Pearson-Miles
Paul Spring
Andrew Baker
Fiona Carruthers
Alison Cary
Nicky Courtier (nee Farrer)
Sara Hamill
Duncan Hanton
Imogen Hovil
Tom & Rachelle Sanderson
Martyn & Liz Shea
Alexander Stewart
Mark Trapnell
Alan Venables
Samantha McGladdery (nee Allanson-Bailey)
Jon Paxman
Hon OM
Martyn Garrod
Louis and Alison Crooks
Peter and Angela LeRoy (Hon OM)
Roger Salisbury
Roger Woodham
Richard and Margaret Blake (Hon OM)
Geoff and Liz Blake
John and Pauline Alvis
David and Mary Bainbridge
Peter Cornish
Anthony Milner-Brown
Gerald Blake
John Bristow
Richard and Helen Salmon
Ken & Jill Gibson
Hon OMs
Michael and Dawn Cuthbertson
Sister D
Tim and Sue Dewes
Saturday 30th August Five Years on 2020 OM Reunion
Having missed out on a leavers ball this years 2020 leavers reunion will be a Black Tie dinner. Full details and booking information can be found here.