Life in the Sixth Form

Entering the Sixth Form is an important and exciting stepping stone to university life. In A Level study you will have an opportunity to specialise in curriculum areas of particular interest and further your depth of understanding to ensure that you are well equipped for the next steps into university.

The Monkton Sixth Form will offer you greater freedoms and, in doing so, encourage you to develop independent thinking, balance and judgement and to 'stand on your own two feet', ready for what comes next.

 As you work out how to prioritise for yourself, you will find that you spend much more time working with your Tutor, monitoring your progress, setting targets, and applying to Higher Education. In addition, the Sixth Form student works even more collaboratively with their teachers, sharing and comparing opinions, engaging in debate and leading the discussion. Some pupils also take the lead at ‘Voluntaries’, helping younger students with their work in chosen subjects, and sharing both their enthusiasm and their knowledge.

Over a quarter of Monkton’s Sixth Form are new to the School, and there is a particular focus on helping these students to make the most of the opportunities which the Sixth Form affords because the time passes quickly. Judging from the number of senior prefects who have joined the School at this stage, our new students find it easy to make an impact. 

Approximately 75% of our Sixth Form are boarders and they find this to be excellent preparation for the next step of living away from home at university, whilst still benefitting from the support and guidance of our dedicated houseparents.

I would encourage all potential Sixth Formers to give some thought to all they want to achieve - intellectually, athletically, aesthetically - to take advantage of this exciting period of your education; at this stage you decide what you do and you will shape, make or break your own Sixth Form experience! Be ambitious, dare to fail and discover success.

But don't just take my word for it, come and see for yourselves what Monkton has to offer with a visit or at an open event. 

Chris Wheeler
