OM London Networking Event

Alongside the events held during National Careers Week, on Tuesday 7th March a group of our Senior School students headed to the impressive surroundings of the Cavalry and Guards Club in London for our OM Networking Event.
Attendees included Old Monktonians (OM's) and Old Clarendonians (OC's) from a wide variety of industries and eras, representing both retired members and recent leavers of our Monkton community. Industry sectors included the Ministry of Defence and Civil Service to Media specialists and Olympic Boat Building, with guests enjoying a fantastic insight into the world of media thanks to a talk from Mark Browning (OM) CEO of Zinc Media Group.
Our students thoroughly enjoyed themselves, gaining valuable insight into the opportunities ahead of them as their confidence, interests and networking skills were commended by the alumni. We would like to thank Mark for sharing his expertise, our Monkton community for welcoming the students to their gathering and both our Head of Careers and External Relations department for organising the event.