Wild Monkton: A Rocha Partners in Action 2023 update
As we enter 2023 Monkton continues to maintain its partnership with A Rocha, which is a Christian environmental organisation functioning both internationally and in the UK.
Practically for Monkton this partnership involves visits and advice from A Rocha conservation workers, research resources, monthly prayer meetings, training opportunities, and a conservation intern who this year is Abby Button (also living and working in Hatton House). Monkton’s partnership with A Rocha comes under A Rocha’s ‘Partners in Action’ network. This is a community of landowners (38 currently, although this number is growing) committed to protecting nature and promoting sustainability on their sites. These sites include a diverse mixture of farms, retreat centres, schools, forest schools, churches and cathedrals, urban community gardens and more. Monkton became a Partner in Action in 2020, which is beneficial as the PiA network enables its members to build relationships with each other, supporting each others’ conservation efforts with shared resources, knowledge and prayer. However, it also provides specific conservation targets for its members, a key aspect being the ‘Target 25’ campaign - a list of 25 priority species and habitats for Partners in Action to focus on in their conservation work. Monkton’s Target 25 includes woodland and grassland, amphibians, butterflies, bees, swifts, and common toads.
Abby represented Monkton at the annual Partners in Action conference last half term at the Othona Community Centre in Essex. During the conference the partners shared updates from their various projects, and discussed our place in the bigger national picture of climate action. A key takeaway from the conference and focus for this year is the importance of sharing good news stories from our sites to encourage others. Although our individual sites seem small, and our conservation efforts are met with many challenges, the PiA network has the potential to influence 350, 000 people through all those who interact with our projects. By continuing our efforts and enthusiasm, Monkton can make a big impact on the fight to restore nature and climate outside of our own community.
Some positive stories shared by Monkton at the conference included the thriving swift population and plans to put up new boxes this year, tree planting projects, new wildflower meadows, the enthusiasm shown in weekly Wild Monkton activities, and the successful prep and senior school Field Days which included so many nature engagement activities across the school. Monkton is blessed with an incredible landscape to care for, and hopefully there will be many more stories of encouragement coming up this year!