Monkton U11 Boys are County Hockey Champs

Monkton U11 Boys are County Hockey Champs
Prep Sports

At Thursday’s County Tournament, hosted by Monkton Prep School, the home U11 team performed superbly to become Avon County Champions, to add to their success in qualifying for the IAPS National Finals. They scored freely, defended resolutely and all ten members of the squad made an important contribution to the victory.

Their coach, Jonny Goode, said “I am delighted for the boys that they have been successful, but even more pleased that they recognised that they can become even better and are already back working hard in training, trying to improve their skills.”

Director of Sport, Benjamin Sim, added “We are proud of this team’s success, but also proud that sport is for every pupil at Monkton Prep School, with every child playing in matches for the school every term.”

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