OM vs Student Hockey and Farewell

OM vs Student Hockey and Farewell
House Events OM Club

On Sunday 19th March we were delighted to welcome back a host of Old Monktonians (OM) to play in our annual OM Hockey matches. This was combined with with a fitting send off from OMs to a well-loved member of staff Mrs Garrod who will be leaving at the end of the Summer term.

The morning kicked off with a Mixed Young OM vs Mixed School team match, followed by Young OM vs Old OM (with some contested team allocation!), before finishing with Men's OM vs School Boys 1st team. All were close matches and great to watch for the host of spectating family, friends, former and current pupils who came to watch!

Our Old Hall hosted a delicious lunch prepared by our catering team, before honouring Mrs Garrod, who has had an incredible impact on so many lives during her 31 years at Monkton. The speeches and gifts given spoke of her truly selfless heart and passion both for the pupils she has taught and for hockey!

A wonderful day for our Monkton Community, with the chance to reminisce on memories past, all while making many more. 



























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