Pupils celebrate results and secure university places

Pupils celebrate results and secure university places

In a year of unprecedented uncertainty surrounding A Level results, Monkton is delighted that our pupils have achieved an excellent set of results with 20% of all grades awarded at A* (up 4 percentage points), 47% of grades awarded were A/A* (up 5 percentage points), 78% were A*-B and 92% were A*-C. Perhaps most importantly, 75% of our pupils have already secured confirmed places at the University of their choice. Whilst celebrating the successes, the School’s main focus over the next few days will be ensuring that our pupils are supported to get where they need to go next during these difficult times.

Principal Chris Wheeler commented:

 “An education at Monkton has always been about so much more than the final result. Whilst the results are an important gateway to the next stage for our pupils, we also want to celebrate the other wonderful things which our most recent leavers brought: huge kindness, humanity, thoughtfulness and a great deal of happy laughter. Being a Monktonian is about learning who you are and this year's leavers have certainly achieved that which we know will be a vital part of the next stage in their lives. 

While this year’s results have seen schools achieve similar grades to previous years, there are some individuals who have fallen victim to the cold hard logic of an algorithm, however, dropping grades in several subjects against their teachers’ expectations through no fault of their own. We will continue to raise the plight of these pupils in all schools seeking a fair response”.

We look forward to continuing the Monkton experience for our pupils when the School reopens in September and we still have a limited number of places available in Year 12. If you would like to enquire about a place please contact our Admissions team on 01225 721133.

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