Rugby World Cup winner Francois Louw visits Monkton Prep and Pre-Prep students

Rugby World Cup winner Francois Louw visits Monkton Prep and Pre-Prep students
Rugby Union

On Tuesday, we were delighted and honoured to welcome Francois Louw, Springbok and Bath Rugby back row forward, and World Cup winner,  to speak in assembly to all pupils from Y2 to Y8. He spoke about his beginnings in rugby, how he played lots of other sports and how setbacks at 17 and 18 years old only spurred him to try harder with his rugby. He delivered his message with great humility, answered pupils' questions with honesty and enthusiasm and is clearly a wonderful player and person. He then spent some more time with the Sports Scholars, offering further insights into diet, training and dedication to one's passions. Many thanks to Mr Goode and Mr Mears for organising this amazing experience and to Francois Louw for his humble message that friendships and memories are more important than medals and trophies.


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