Monkton Nativities

The Christmas Nativity has always been a highlight of the term with the children working so hard to learn new songs and actions. The Nursery children threw themselves into their performances growing in confidence as they dressed up and put on a show for family and friends.
The Kindergarten children played beautiful twinkling stars as they sang and danced in the Pre-Prep Nativity which included Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. One little Owl from Kindergarten exclaimed - " I love going on stage, it's so much fun!"
Year One made wonderful Inn keepers and the Year 2's worked incredibly hard to not only learn all of their lines but also to perfect the many complex stage directions and all of the song lyrics! It was truly amazing to watch them bring the Christmas story to life in such a creative and funny way and to see all their confidence grow and experience a wonderful sense of pride in their achievements.